We’ve all heard about stem cells, their amazing properties and the remarkable breakthroughs that research has made in the area of stem cell uses and treatments. In fact, stem cell therapy is seen by many doctors and scientists as the new revolution in regenerative medicine. At the same time, stem cell therapy has become a highly controversial and widely-debated topic in medical, religious and scientific circles. If you or a loved one are suffering from a serious illness or chronic pain and are wondering whether stem cell therapy can help you, this article will cover a few of the basic facts that will help you make an informed decision.

What are Stem cells?

In layman’s terms, stem cells are the “raw material” or “master cells” in the body that produces other cells to carry out various functions. These master cells can divide to form either more stem cells, called daughter cells or other cells with specific functions, such as brain cells, nerve cells, tissue cells, blood cells, etc. The amazing thing about stem cells is that under certain conditions in the body or laboratory, they can regenerate and heal damaged or dysfunctional cells and tissues.

What are umbilical stem cells?

Umbilical cells are harvested mainly from the blood and tissue of the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of a baby. Umbilical stem cells have highly potent regenerative properties and have been proven to heal and repair tissues. They have been found to be beneficial for over 80 diseases.

What are embryonic stem cells?

Embryonic stem cells are derived from human embryos in the blastocyst stage, which is 4-5 days after fertilization. The source of these cells is in-vitro fertilization, specifically clinics, where a woman donates several eggs. After one egg is fertilized and successfully implanted on her womb, her written consent is required for the clinic to fertilize the remaining eggs and harvest the stem cells. About 50 – 150 cells can be harvested from a single embryo. When you hear of controversy surrounding stem cells it is always of the embryonic type. Not only are embryonic stem cells illegal in the US, they have actually be proven to not be as effective from many standpoints as are umbilical stem cells.

Why are umbilical stem cells hailed as an amazing breakthrough in modern medicine?

The regenerative potential of stem cells has been the main focus of research since their discovery 20 years ago. Their potential to regenerate damaged cells and rescue and heal diseased cells, making them healthy again, has opened limitless frontiers. Scientists believe that stem cells can be used in this capacity to cure MS, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, degenerative heart disease, kidney and liver failure, and even cancer. Research is also being done on the possibility of creating new heart muscles and arteries with stem cells, as well as complete organs that can be used for transplants. The current research in this area is extremely promising.

What is stem cell therapy?

Stem cell therapy is based on using master stem cells or their derivatives to promote the healing of damaged or dysfunctional cells. This is why stem cell therapy is also called regenerative medicine.

Types of Stem cell therapy:

There are three main types of therapy used to treat medical conditions, in addition to stem cell creams for beauty and regeneration of the skin.

  1. Stem cell intravenous therapy (IV therapy), where stem cells in a liquid solution are injected directly into a vein, and stem cell injections. Therapeutic benefits include pain relief, joint problems and the overall regeneration of the body.
  2. Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP). A small amount of blood is drawn from the patient, the platelets are isolated then re-injected into the injured areas. The platelet-rich solution helps recruit the body’s own stem cells to promote healing in the area. Although no actual stem cells are used, this type of therapy falls under the category due to the similar regenerative effects of stem cells. It is used to treat arthritis, joint conditions, and sports injuries. It is also a treatment for chronic pain. However, PRP is not nearly as robust or effective as the use of umbilical cord stem cells derived from new born tissue.
  3. Bone marrow transplant is another type of stem cell treatment. Stem cells are transplanted into the bone marrow to treat immune system and blood diseases and to boost and repair the blood system following chemotherapy for certain types of cancer.

What conditions and diseases does stem cell therapy treat?

The number of conditions where stem cell therapy has proven successful treating is wide ranging and growing every day. Basically if a system needs to be revived, renewed or repaired, stem cells seem to be up to the task. These conditions even include certain blood and immune system diseases, and blood regeneration following cancer treatments. Stem cell therapy can also treat certain corneal and bone injuries. It is also used in skin grafts for patients with serious burns.

What are the dangers/complications?

As with any treatment there are certain basic risks, however when using umbilical stem cells the risk of immune rejection is essential not present due to the fact that these cells can morph into basically any type of cell. Because umbilical stem cells are less mature than other cells, the body’s immune system is unable to recognize them as foreign and therefore, they are not rejected. Thousands of patients have been treated with umbilical cord stem cells (with Biogenix stem cells) and there has never been a single instance of rejection (graft vs. host).

Is Stem cell therapy ethical?

The stem cell revolution has ignited a strong ethical debate surrounding the source of stem cells, namely the harvesting of embryonic stem cells, which require the destruction of a human embryo.
On the other hand, stem cells taken from the umbilical cord and placenta are considered ethical as they are harvested after birth from tissue that is usually discarded, and therefore is readily available. The debate also revolves around whether research should focus primarily on the potential of umbilical stem cells and other ethical sources.

How much does it cost?

As you may have guessed, stem cell therapy is not cheap. The cost per treatment in the U.S. starts at around $4900. Many overseas clinics in Europe, Mexico, and even China do offer stem cell treatments at a lower cost, but this usually ends up being more expensive with travel and hotel costs. As well, it should considered that the safety and quality of non-US stem cells has become a big concern over the last few years.

Is stem cell therapy regulated?

Umbilical cords are collected aseptically, processed in a sterile manner, packaged and cryopreserved without dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and distributed by an FDA-registered laboratory in accordance with:

• Current Good Manufacturing practices (CGMP),
• Current Good Tissue Practice (CGTP),
• State regulations,
• American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) guidelines,
• FDA requirements for Human Cells, Tissue, and Cellular and Tissue-based Products (HCT/P) in CFR Part 21, 1271, 361
• Additional requirements for manufacturers of Human cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-based Products (HCT/Ps).

Is stem cell therapy covered by health insurance?

In most cases, unfortunately, stem cell therapy is not covered by health insurance. However, some bone marrow transplants for serious cases like sickle cell anemia are FDA-Approved and are covered by health insurance plans. If this is the type of therapy you require, there is a possibility that your health insurance might cover it.

What is the future of stem cell therapy?

Research is ongoing and much work remains to be done in order to learn more about the amazing properties of stem cells. So far, many treatments have already been proven or are on the verge of being proven for numerous blood disorders, certain types of leukemia and immune disorders – all with umbilical stem cell therapy. In the realm of diabetes, scientists have been able to get stem cells to produce insulin and regulate blood sugar. This is indeed great news for millions of diabetes patients worldwide. Vigorous research with extremely promising results is ongoing for the treatment of heart disease, Parkinson’s disease. Alzheimer’s, Lou Gehrig’s disease, lung diseases, blindness, and cancer. And of course, joint pain, degeneration and repair are perfect candidates for stem cell therapy. Amazing breakthroughs are expected in the near future.

Where should you go from here?

If you believe that umbilical cord stem cell therapy could benefit you, don’t rely solely on the information in this article. Do some more due diligence. Be sure to look through the other parts of this site to and other sites to get a full knowledge of the subject and schedule a consultation so we can teach you about it one-on-one. (Schedule here)