What is Regeneration?

Regeneration is the process of renewal and restoration, whereby diseased or older tissue is replaced by healthy new tissue. With the help of stem cells, patients can now experience a healing of their chronic disease, that until now was impossible.

What can Stem cells Do?

Essentially stem cells build, repair and replace damaged or diseased tissue with new healthy tissue. Stem cells have the ability to replicate and differentiate into different tissues, where there is tissue damage. They help modulate the body’s immune response by reducing inflammation. They respond to paracrine signaling from the body cells by migrating to the area of injury. They also have an anti-microbial effect against acute and chronic systemic infections.

Where do Stem Cells come from?

Sources include bone marrow, fat (adipose) and umbilical cord. Out of all potential sources, Umbilical cord blood and tissue provides the most potent stem cells due to their strong paracrine signaling, differentiation and replication potential, and the ability to travel throughout the body, effecting multiple injury sites. This source, unlike bone marrow and adipose, is not dependant on one’s age and therefore offers the highest level of stem cells to the patient’s tissues, offering youth and health which is felt by the patient in a short period of time.

Why Umbilical Cord Stem Cells?

Compared to bone marrow and adipose tissue, umbilical cord blood mesenchymal stem cells (UCB- MSCs) have the highest rate of cell proliferation and clonality, and lower expression levels of markers for senescence. This allows for a greater population of stem cells for clinical use. The UCB-MSCs also exhibit the greatest anti-inflammatory effect.

Treatments using Bone marrow and adipose tissue derived stem cells are variable based on the patient’s age. The older we get, the lower amount of stem cells we have. Because they are primitive and only 9 months old, the UCB stem cells offer the greatest potential for proliferation and differentiation.


  • Anyone can be treated since the stem cells are immune privileged.
  • Differentiation potential is broad
  • The stem cells are self renewing with rapid doubling time
  • Best anti-inflammatory activity, immune modulating capacity and ability to stimulate regeneration
  • Can be administered multiple times in uniform dosages that contain high cell counts
  • No need to collect stem cells through invasive procedures such as liposuction or bone marrow aspiration
  • The lab used to process the umbilical cord stem cells is an FDA and AATB (American Association of Tissue Banks) compliant lab

How are the stem cells administered?

The treatment is either a local injection (as into a joint) Or Intravenous (for systemic diseases such as MS)

What does stem cell therapy treat?

Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Lyme Disease, Heart Disease, Neuropathy, Joint Pain, Back Pain, Stroke, Autoimmune Disease, Skin conditions, Ulcerative Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, Drug detox, Diabetes, and Anti-aging.


214 N. Central
Phoenix, AZ 85004
